Van, Texas | The Promised Land
Van, Texas: Where water runneth and there is power!
After days of no water but still keeping morale high, the Scaces and Lisa had decided to head out on Friday afternoon. I couldn’t imagine staying alone at the guest house on campus without water and a way to leave, so I took up an offer from Shawn, Global Content Creator at Mercy Ships. His parents live 20 minutes from campus and had water and power. So he picked me up and we drove on the uneven packed down roads. Mark and Lori hosted me for the next 4 days. It was a home away from home. They have lived all over the country as well as in Central America. I had such a great time getting lost in conversations, telling stories, and listening to great stories. I managed to meet all of their children and grand kids within the days I was there. It worked out great because Shawn was staying there too due to frozen pipes in Tyler (where he lives), so we were able to get the in-person training we needed to get done originally.
Over the weekend, we watched the live-action Mulan (liked it more than I wanted to), went on walks /skating on the roads, got beers in Tyler with friends, and played card games by the fire. Slowly the snow melted, and I decided to head home Tuesday morning. Monday, Shawn and I spent reviewing a lot of what I learned over the course of my time in Texas in terms of filing photographs. The organization system is detailed to ensure we can find what we need to find quickly and have the information necessary to share that image/story. It was a little daunting as spelling, numbers, and systems are not my strong suit, but every job has something you work hard at so you can do what you love. This might be that thing for me. I’m thankful for the opportunity to have learned so much of it before going. I’m a slow learner but once I learn something, I usually don’t forget. So the repetition was fantastic!
Though not expected, my time in Van, Texas was great. Total strange way to end training, but obviously the Lord had made a path better and wider than I could have asked for! Will never forget my time at the Thompsons.
Goodbye little home.
Room 9 - thanks for having me!
Felt a little bad leaving my car stranded, but I’ll be back!
The Thompson home. Pretty Hallmark if you ask me - wish I had gotten a photo with the snow!
The first morning, Mark made me a Texas pancake. <3
roads were packed with snow!
Shawn and I’s make-shift office in the living room.
Tea after every meal, and puzzles.
Snowy walks.
The view from my room.
Clean Brews coffee run by the family I was staying with!
The sun came and melted the snow fully on Sunday!
Kylie. The woman who recruited me and has kept me with Mercy Ships. Forever thankful to know her and have gotten to hang out while in Texas. She left me a voicemail in June of 2019.
Sunday afternoon with the Thompson family.
Sunset in Van, Tx
Clean Brews is a Coffee Shop and Laundry Mat!
Out for beers with friends.
My first Toaster Strudel. I approve.
Headed home!
Back to Memphis, Tennessee baby!